The Red Fox - Frozen Frontier

Music Composition

The Red Fox - Nat Geo Wild

The Red Fox so light he doesn’t break the snow, his super sonic hearing allows him to find his prey.

Wild Yellowstone - Main Theme

Music Composition

Wild Yellowstone Main Theme

Main theme for both the Emmy winning Wild Yellowstone Frozen Frontier & Grizzly Summer.

Wolves Tracking - Frozen Frontier

Music Composition

Wolves Tracking- Nat Geo Wild

The new wolf pack track Elk in greater Yellowstone.

Wolves 1st Hunt - Wild Yellowstone

Music Composition

Wolves 1st Hunt - Nat Geo Wild

The new wolf pack attempting to hunt Elk in greater Yellowstone.

Humming Birds - Grizzly Summer

Music Composition

Humming Birds - Grizzly Summer

Wild Yellowstone Grizzly Summer.