Rapha - Sydney

Music | Sound Design | Mix

Rapha - Rides Sydney

Cycling brand Rapha is travelling to 20 cities around the world to uncover the local knowledge, the shortcuts, the places to visit, and the roads to ride. We had the pleasure of providing the score, sound design and mix for the Sydney one directed by Sean Anderson.

Guinness - 6 Nations

Music Composition & Sound Design

Guinness - Made Of More

Campaign for the 6 Nations Rugby Tournament by In The Company Of Huskies.

AW Designs - Ident 6

Music Composition & Sound Design

AW Designs - Ident 6

Creative ident for the talented people at AW Designs Hamburg.

Humming Birds - Grizzly Summer

Music Composition

Humming Birds - Grizzly Summer

Wild Yellowstone Grizzly Summer.

eMobile - Campaign

Music Composition

eMobile - Campaign

We created the audio identity for Irelands newest mobile provider.

IDA - Chalkboard

Music Composition & Sound Design

IDA - Chalkboard

We were delighted to be asked to do the music for the IDA’s (Irish Development Authority) current international campaign promoting Ireland as a great place to do business. There was a great vibe about this project as everyone involved felt they were playing some small role in helping to turn Ireland’s economic tide.

The track is based on the concept that ideas evolve over time, as indeed does the track. Beginning with a simple metronome the track develops slowly ending with a musical finale.